VMWARE player uses various dlls, and registry entries and sytem drivers to create the virtual drivers within the VM Machine. I had tried to get it to be portable. But on startup it looks to start services and reads registry entries within the os to start the virtualization of the real drivers on the machine.
So there is no way to create the virtualization enviroment without installing these files to each machine and running the DLL registration for them.I keep looking though and keep hopeing.Deuce'Portable Software: Just the beginning.' For example Kqemu under linux and i believe their is a windows equivilent accelerator, i have no idea if it could be made portable. I'd be intrested if it could.Just as an example that the acceleration realy workes, i use it to run windows under linux because theres a molecular moddeling software i use which only runs under windows. Some of it is pritty compute intensive, under qemu with kqemu acceleration it is about 2/3 the speed of running natively which is pritty usable if you ask me, and for some reason i can't work out windows actualy boots quicker. Maby the simpler emulated hardware.